Ordered my models on Thursday, received them 9.30am Friday morning, excellent service. I got home from work at 8.30 and decided to take part in last nights Beasts of War Hobby Night, as well as cleaning up casting (very good only a few mould lines) I removed the cast on bases as I intend to base on clear bases.
This is where I got upto by end of last night, I will be continuing tonight I hope to finish all base colours and a shading wash) and tomorrow (highlighting, varnishing and basing) hoping to have them finished by the end of the weekend. I will be changing the hair colour on two of the models. In the background are Lucid Eyes three previous releases.

I also have plans for a gaming board which I will start on next months Hobby Night, although I do not know the official background to this range I have a few ideas based on my reading of the Cornelius novels and love of psychadelia, Bowie and the Nephilim.